April 13, 2024

"How to Use an E6B" a Lovely Little Anniversary Gift

King Schools capped off another successful week at Sun 'n Fun with the publication of a new course going over the manual flight computer, everyone's favorite whiz wheel, the E-6B.

Sure, technically most everyone in the flight scene should be more or less familiar with the nifty little computer, but those skills require upkeep… and few active pilots are digging them out of the bookbag for use on a turbine-powered cross country. But the Kings have done everyone a favor as a part of their 50th anniversary, publishing a free King Schools electronic course to help any aviator out of a jam when the only tool they have is a brain-powered, manual calculator.

“These lessons had an interesting journey to become a free King Schools course," said King Schools CEO Barry Knuttila. "In 2021, we took E6B lessons from our Private Pilot Ground School and Test Prep Course and published them in a YouTube playlist. Since then, those videos have had more than 353,000 views and fantastic reviews. The popularity of the videos prompted us to expand the lessons to include cross-country planning and to create an easily accessed stand-alone free course that takes advantage of our iLearn LMS (Learning Management System) and also allows the use of our King Companion app to download and take the lessons even when off-line.”

FMI: www.kingschools.com


SUN 'n FUN Fly-In, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit that markets and supports dozens of year-round events, including the Aerospace Expo. Proceeds from these events are the primary source of funding for The Aerospace Center for Excellence (ACE), which has emerged as a nationally recognized leader in STEM-related and aerospace education through its various learning centers, outreach programs, scholarships, and summer camps aimed at engaging, educating and accelerating the next generation of aerospace professionals.
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