April 13, 2024

Aileronics' Sentinel Provides a Trustworthy 'Copilot' Without the Conversation & Novel Scents

Aileronics showed off their Sentinel Vision at this year's Sun 'n Fun 2024, illustrating how the panoply of tech works to increase the margin of safety of single pilot operations.

It's an interesting little piece of equipment, bringing all the peace of mind that comes with a second pair of eyes devoted to "see & avoid", without all the hassles, smells, and conversation that come with having a second-in-command. The system provides a computer-based collision avoidance system that scans, identifies, and targets objects, aircraft, and obstacles before placing them in the pilot’s sphere of awareness, generally by pushing the data to their EFB. Basically, it provides ADS-b information for visual targets that may not be actively broadcasting their own ADS-b info. Ergo, another layer of safety, as if there were a little 3-lb safety pilot always scanning out the window, never even blinking.

What really makes the Sentinel Vision so intriguing, however, isn't just the idea of a backup system to scan outside the window in flight - it's the fact that the whole kit n' kaboodle is aimed at a price point closer to an iPad than an ICBM. That's pretty darn affordable, allowing owners and operators to install a small gimbal mounted camera that constantly scans for objects within the aircraft's flight path. Currently, the system is in the developmental phase, making it a bit more ungainly and unrefined than the eventual production model will be.

Physical features so far include an articulated camera mount that can tap into aircraft power or an on-board removable battery pack. In its current, boxy form, the Sentinel can already be attached to the windshield with a single large suction cup - that bodes well for a production model, meaning the final iteration will be small enough to haul on and off the plane as the mission requires.

“We currently are beta testing our prototypes, we are building in-flight testing time with our updated version of the prototype. We see Sentinel as an important part of the pilot’s toolkit, and we’re excited to continue refining this product, continue getting feedback, and turning this into something everyone can be a part of,” said Avionics founder, Grant Hoover. “Additionally, we’re actively seeking beta testers and investment in this product in order to make the skies safer.”

FMI: www.flywithsentinel.com


SUN 'n FUN Fly-In, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit that markets and supports dozens of year-round events, including the Aerospace Expo. Proceeds from these events are the primary source of funding for The Aerospace Center for Excellence (ACE), which has emerged as a nationally recognized leader in STEM-related and aerospace education through its various learning centers, outreach programs, scholarships, and summer camps aimed at engaging, educating and accelerating the next generation of aerospace professionals.
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